Tuesday 8 December 2015

 AMBER FLAG DAY!!!!!!!!!!

On Friday 4th of December our Ty group organised a truly amazing day full of really fun and positive events. We organised this day because this year we are working to get the amber flag in our school. The amber flag is a flag that is awarded to schools that promote and work for positive mental health in schools. The school must complete a series of  different events and actions with in the schools throughout the year. 
Our first event took place last Friday, we called this "Amber flag day". We had been preparing the day for a few weeks before the actual day. We had loads of posters all over the school to promote the day, we made the positivity boards, we made loads of amber bracelets, for everyone in ty, the staff in the school and the first years to wear on the day. We also hung up orange balloons around the school and gave a positivity quote to everyone in the school.
The day went really well. The TYs got to wear amber clothes on the day ty show that we were taking part in the days events. We all baked the night before and brought everything into school because we had a bake sale a lunch time, the money we made went to both  Pieata house and suicide awareness. We raided about 400 euro!!!!
Through out the day all the TYs were in the library, we had the launch of the amber flag website and the local newspaper came to see it, we all wrote down things in our lives that we were grateful for and different things we do when we get stressed and down in ourselves to make us feel better. We then hung them all up around the reception.We then set up the bake sale, got the buskers ready and got all the positity boards and got ready for the lunch time. 
At lunch loads for people went to the bake sale and bought stuff, there was music being played around the school and people got there pictures taken. It was very very busy but it was all worth it because everyone had a really good day and we made an really good and positive difference. For the rest of the day we relaxed and put everything back. 
I really really enjoyed the day and taught that everyone did a really amazing
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